I have been wanting to do this for years and this afternoon, I finally did it! My friend and I went out to the Public Safety Training Center run by the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office to complete #1 on my 30 Before 30 list. After taking a safety course and a sheriff walking me through the rules, I chose my gun, got the ammunition, picked out my targets, put on my eye and ear protection and we headed out to the firing lanes. Walking through the doors to our firing lane was a reality check. Guns are very powerful. Personally, I have never seen a gun fired in person so the loud booms and sparks flying from the other people in the firing lanes was an instant flash of reality. Not only that, you can also feel the gun fire through your body. At this point, I became a little nervous but I was determined to follow through. My friend taught me how to load the bullets, hang the target and fire. After many rounds, I think I am hooked. It's a great stress reliever and I plan on going back many times. I am in no way a supporter of illegal guns or guns being in the hands of our youth but for those who can properly and safely use a firearm and want to go to the shooting range, I highly recommend this place http://www.clackamas.us/sheriff/pstc.jsp .... I believe you have to go with someone who is already in possesion of a legal firearm. Here are the photos of our adventure:
How cool! This has been on my list for a while too! I've done rifles, but not hand guns.